
This funding opportunity is designed to increase the number of individuals working within Colorado’s primary health care workforce who reflect the diverse patient population served by the state’s safety net system 和/or who are committed to serving rural 和 frontier communities. We define primary health care workforce as those working to provide physical, behavioral or oral health within the integrated, 以团队为基础的初级保健环境.


这一融资机会将支持 高质量、高影响力的青年项目 that advance physical well-being programming that is 整体的,对文化有反应的 和 通知 or 由青年和他们的家庭推动. It will help to elevate the assets of 青年 和 their families, so they have the 机构 和 民族自决 to make decisions related to good physical well-being that pull from

This funding opportunity aims to support capital investments in the built environment – such as playgrounds, parks 和 outdoor spaces – across Colorado that allow children, 青年 和 families to engage in physical activity more regularly. This funding opportunity prioritizes communities living on low income, communities of color 和 rural communities in Colorado.

Irving Street Library Playground Designed Informed by Community Voice

Support community voice in the design of the new Irving Street Library playground as the original one was lost to arson this summer. Engagement from south Westminster residents, 最具民族特色的, economically 和 socially diverse part of the city, will be in the form of community navigators 和 gatherings that amplify the voice of those residents who most utilize the playground including children 和 青年.

Longs Peak Middle School Outdoor Play 和 学习 Environment Improvements

Support planning for a major re-investment in the Longs Peak Middle School's outdoor play 和 learning infrastructure. As a Title I middle school 和 community hub, Longs Peak's vision is to work alongside students 和 community members to create an inclusive space which encourages health, 幸福与学习.

VPAC 2023和2024

Sustain the VPAC impact in the Greater Denver Metro Area through 青年 after-school, 周末, 冬夏令营. Hire past students to begin to train them up in preparation for after college to pass the torch within the next few years.


Aim to provide holistic physical well-being activities that are culturally 通知 for underserved Muslim 青年 和 serve as a source of empowerment.

Children, Youth 和 Family Communal Outdoor Spaces at Mesa 和 Kemper Elementary Schools

Leverage financial partnerships with other funders 和 community fundraising to address existing health inequities by creating trauma-通知 communal safe zones 和 outdoor spaces for children, 青年, family 和 community members at Cortez's two elementary schools. 社区确定了他们的需求, 有创意的解决方案和坚定的设计, 设备选择和整体项目范围.

Whole Girl Physical Health (WGPH) Programming

为女孩提供知识, skills 和 social support needed to develop heathy habits, positive self-image 和 the ability to make healthy choices via Whole Girl Physical Health (WGPH) programming. WGPH is integrated into GIMD's out of school time (OOST) programming during afterschool 和 summertime hours 和 uses research-based curriculum 和 activities. WGPH is 通知 by girls' interests 和 uses a 整体的,对文化有反应的 approach that supports the whole girl.


Open a BIPOC-led outdoor school through a partnership with YMCA's Camp Shadybrook. This overnight camp environment will include certifications such as wilderness first aid 和 wilderness first response, as well as specific health 和 safety skillsets applicable in the frontcountry as well as the backcountry.
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